Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Berdache Tradition

The idea that the native americans have basically three genders is really interesting to me. I have never heard of the berdache gender before this article. One of the points that i think really reigns true in our culture is that gender is directly defined by your physical anatomy. I recently read an article that commented on the children who are born one gender but early on in their lives associate with the other sex. The question is do you let your child live they way they identify the most with or the gender that they are physically. This is actually a really refreshing article that shows someone, who we would call transgendered, as someone who is somewhat looked up to in the society. It said that in the Native American society the berdaches are considered the dreamers and visionaries in the society. I was impressed by this article. I think we as americans need to read this article and think more about how we treat everyone in our society.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you brought up the question of whether or not parents should let their child live how they identify themselves. I guess it just all boils down to personal beliefs, morals, etc. You reminded me of an article I once read about a family who decided to raise their child through both genders. One day they would dress him in boys clothing, and then girls clothing in the next. I don't exactly believe thats the best idea, but like I said before I guess it's all about your own personal beliefs.
