Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Communication and Anthropology

This article brings up a lot of good points about communication and how it has evolved over time. Now that we have all this technology it is like having an entirely new culture to explore. From cell phones and texting to skype and "web lingo," a whole new culture has been born. This article caused me to think a lot about how I use technology. I find myself texting people because its easier and then I don't have to have a lengthy conversation with them. This article points out that texting and IM provide continuous conversation throughout the day. The thing that I like about texting is that I can respond when I want to but also I can get directly to the point of what I need. If I want to have an actual conversation with someone then I will call them. I also thought the information about how immigrants use technology more creatively was really interesting. Since I can't go home a lot, I find myself using skype to talk to my parents. Its really nice to actually see them as opposed to just talking to them on the phone! Overall, It was really interesting to learn about how technology is being introduced into our society. Technology is quickly advancing and I know in 10 years our iphones and computers will be considered old and out-dated.

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