Saturday, December 3, 2011

100 people population report

We discussed in class a lot about what 100 people would be like if they made up the whole population of the world. I found a great youtube video that puts the statistics into a visual aid:

This video is put out by a website It's purpose is to find 10,000 people and schools that represent what the world is really like. They encourage people to nominate others in hopes to find a sample of 10,000 people that really embody what the population is representative of. I thought this website and video was really cool because they took some simple statistics and turned them into a whole idea about community and uniqueness.

I also thought that this link was really interesting:

it talks about how if all the people in the world fit into certain cities they would be certain sizes based on their density. For example if everyone in the world lived in NYC it would be the size of Texas because it is a really dense city. This website shows us a visual description about population density and the population in the world. I thought it related to our class because we talked a lot about population and the effects that migration, density, and relations have on different cultures. It would be really interesting if everyone in the world lived in one city.

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