Wednesday, November 9, 2011

White Privilege

I thought this article brought up a few very good points about how we still have some segregation between races even though we might not recognize it. One of the quote was really interesting to me it said: "If these things are true, this is not such a free country;
one’s life is not what one makes it; many doors open for certain people through no virtues of their own." I like this quote from the article because it is really true. Some people especially white people are offered more opportunities solely based on the fact that they are white! This is a terrible injustice and one that I dont think a lot of people really think about. The list of about 26 opportunities that white people are afforded really made me think. I would have never thought about the color of bandaids as being a race segregation but it really is. Overall this article did a really good job making me think about how different opportunities are afforded to different races and how this hurts us all in the end.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I would agree that "Race evolved as a world view, a body of prejudgements that distorts our ideas about human indifference." this statement truly defines for me what I consider to be a huge problem in our society. We know the perceptions that are associated with every race and we instantly judge these people because of it. I think that we should get rid of the term "race" and instead use the word ethnicity. A person who is known as "white" has the possibility to be thousands of different ethnicities. Instead of "african- american" "white" "asian" and "middle-eastern" we should look at people based on their ethnicity and not on their race. It can't be denied that people are different but we need to label them differently and then we might have a better interaction between people.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Federally Sponsored Mexican Migrants

I thought It was really interesting about how the latino population was ever growing in North Carolina. The static that says, "In North Carolina the migrant population doubled between 1990 and 1997" really supports this fact. I am from Durham, NC. I live in what is known as "the triangle" which is three cities: Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. The amount of Mexican Immigrants living in the triangle is astounding. There are a lot of jobs in the area and the cost of living (especially slightly outside the triangle) is relatively low. Because of the high amount of mexican immigrants in the area a new "business" has opened in the triangle. there are now countless mexican grocery stores, authentic mexican restaurants and other services directly marketed to the Mexican population. There is a public elementary school near my house that has a majority of latino children. I think the influx of mexican people in my area is a really great thing! It provides a lot more diversity and new things to learn or try!